Unlock Your Inner Confidence: Embrace the Uncharted, Conquer the Unseen
Self-doubt is nothing more than a mirage, an illusion that we’ve allowed to hold power over us. It’s time to challenge its authority and reclaim control over our own lives.
Self-doubt is nothing more than a mirage, an illusion that we’ve allowed to hold power over us. It’s time to challenge its authority and reclaim control over our own lives.
Trust me life is not easy for anyone, and hence why I’m writing my story, to unveil my own life journey, to earn my past, to make peace with my ghosts, to release my own pain and to be a testament that when we embrace a new way of living, it is possible to be appreciative of what we have, even when we may be faced with hardships, because even in hard soils flowers blossom.
To start seeing the world through a child’s eyes means to adopt a perspective characterised by innocence, wonder, curiosity, and a sense of awe.
In the face of these relentless waves of hardship, all we could do was take one day at a time. It might sound chaotic; indeed, 2023 seemed like a year that one would rather forget.