Aspiring to be our best self, wanting to pursue goals, being self-aware of our flaws, striving for self-improvement, and living to our full potential are typical desires that we all have and keeps us motivated in life to do our best. However, in the quest to be our best, we may wrongly believe that there is inherently something wrong with us, and we may focus all our energy on what we are lacking or what needs to change, forgetting our strengths and what we have that is already great.
As a hardworking person, a student of life, and constantly striving for self-development, I have noticed that the more I spend time trying to be better and do more, instead of being grateful for what I have accomplished, it only brings me pain and disappointment. Therefore a few years ago, I discovered self-compassion and practised self-acceptance.
Self-acceptance is an integral part of personal growth and development. It involves recognising our strengths, weaknesses and all that encompasses who we are without judgment or criticism. It also means embracing our imperfections with kindness and understanding, knowing they don’t make us less valuable or worthy of love.
Accepting ourselves as being “imperfectly perfect” just the way we are, is finding beauty within ourselves, and while this can be challenging, it is not impossible. How often do we all feel unhappy with how we look or even with some of our features? However, have we ever thought that we all have distinct features that make us unique?
A way to achieve self-acceptance is by being authentic and allowing ourselves to express our true thoughts, feelings, and beliefs freely without fear of judgement from others. Then, taking the time to recognise our unique qualities can help us cultivate a deeper appreciation for who we are, which in turn helps us feel more secure in ourselves.
With self-acceptance comes greater confidence, which can help us live our lives more fully and openly without worrying about what others might think. By embracing the perfectly imperfect person we are, we open ourselves up to a life of self-love, acceptance, and contentment.
We all have moments of doubt and insecurity, but by learning to accept ourselves for who we are – flaws and all – we create a foundation for greater happiness and fulfilment. When you learn to appreciate yourself as you are right now – mistakes included – you will be able to celebrate your successes with greater joy and move forward through life’s challenges with newfound strength.
In the journey of accepting ourselves, we must also consider how often we try to compete with others in different realms; somehow, we always come short in comparison. We set high expectations for ourselves and then complain that we struggle to reach our desired goals. Have you ever thought that you are racing phantoms and ideals created from past stories in your mind?
A way to challenge this is to permit ourselves to be authentic and genuine, rejoice, value where we are, and enjoy the present moment. To be in a place where we no longer try to fit in anybody’s mould; instead, we look at what truly matters to us, set healthy boundaries, and shine our confidence.
We all have our “real self”, who we are, and an “ideal self”, who we want to be. Sometimes the gap between them is not too far, but the problem resides if the gap is enormous, and to be honest, maybe the gap is not necessarily real but just a matter of the appraisal of us judging ourselves harshly. If we see a wide gap, we may be playing scarcity stories in our minds, looking for what we lack and focusing on our weaknesses. Focusing too much on an “ideal self” may leave us exhausted and in an ever-ending loop of dissatisfaction.
Many branding experts recommend that we must be “the best version of ourselves”, but I disagree with that; how about “just being ourselves” real, raw, honest, human and unapologetically us?
With self-acceptance comes greater peace of mind, happiness, contentment, confidence, and much more! Only then can we start celebrating our successes with greater joy and move forward through life’s challenges with newfound strength. Today, take this opportunity to recognise your unique qualities and show yourself, unconditional love. Let’s embrace our perfectly imperfect selves with love and understanding; this is the key to unlocking true freedom and joy because we all deserve it.
Here are some steps to start loving your imperfect self:
- Self-compassion & acceptance,
- Be grateful for who we already are
- Recognise your strengths and wins in your life
- Choose an abundance mindset, where you have all you need
- Persevere in the face of challenges; no matter how things look, always look forward.
- Live in the now, pause in life and be honest.
In conclusion, self-compassion and acceptance are essential for personal growth and development. Striving less and living in the present moment is necessary for our well-being; embracing who we are without judgment or criticism can create a strong foundation for greater happiness and fulfillment. Let’s not strive for perfection but instead be honest, giving ourselves a pause; we need to appreciate all we are. Only then can we start living authentically and create our success stories. Give yourself self-appreciation.