From Memories to Milestones: The Remarkable Rewind- The Appreciation List


Inspired by the renowned film “The Bucket List” in 2007, this concept gained significant traction and prompted personal introspection, including my own, regarding past accomplishments and future aspirations. The bucket list emerged as a catalogue of meaningful experiences and aspirations that individuals strive to fulfill prior to the culmination of their lives.

Undoubtedly, this notion places considerable weight on an individual, necessitating a clear understanding of personal ambitions within a defined timeframe. Identifying desirable experiences and appropriately aligning them with one’s values becomes crucial in setting deliberate goals and actively working towards their realization.

In addition to considering, one’s personal desires, it is crucial to simultaneously consider the well-being and aspirations of those around us, as well as the demands of our career and family commitments. While it is commendable to pursue personal fulfilment, the idea of rigidly ticking off items on a list can inadvertently introduce stress into our lives, which is counterproductive.

Upon careful reflection, I realized that although I could potentially include numerous items on my bucket list, I also desired to avoid disappointment and the sense of unfulfilled goals.

Consequently, I found myself inclined towards a different approach: embracing a reversed bucket list. Instead of fixating on a predetermined timeline and specific achievements, I chose to adopt a mindset of going with the flow. I trusted in my heart’s aspirations and recognized that true fulfillment would come from pursuing those heartfelt dreams, allowing them to unfold naturally in their own time. This way, rather than being burdened by the pressure of an extensive checklist, with due dates and expectations. I could relish the joy and gratitude of experiencing and appreciating life’s meaningful moments, whenever they happened.

I decided to create what I affectionately named “My appreciation list.” It served as a record of the remarkable accomplishments and cherished experiences that I genuinely desired and had the privilege of accomplishing. Each milestone marked on this list became a testament to the authenticity of my journey and a celebration of the goals I had wholeheartedly pursued and achieved.

By embracing this reversed approach, I liberated myself from the constraints of arbitrary timelines and societal expectations. I allowed life to unfold organically, cherishing the moments of growth, discovery, and connection along the way. This perspective not only relieved the pressure to conform but also encouraged a deeper appreciation for what life places ahead of me.

Trust me life is not easy for anyone, and hence why I’m writing my story, to unveil my own life journey, to earn my past, to make peace with my ghosts, to release my own pain and to be a testament that when we embrace a new way of living, it is possible to be appreciative of what we have, even when we may be faced with hardships, because even in hard soils flowers blossom.

Creating an appreciation list, or a reverse bucket list, can be a powerful way to reflect on and celebrate your accomplishments and meaningful experiences. Here are five steps to help you develop your own appreciation list:

  1. Reflect on your past achievements. Take time to reflect on your past experiences, accomplishments, and milestones. Consider both big and small moments that brought you joy, fulfilment, or a sense of personal growth. These could include personal achievements, professional successes, relationships formed, personal challenges overcome, or acts of kindness you’ve extended to others.
  • Identify heartfelt dreams and aspirations. Connect with your inner desires and passions. Consider the dreams and aspirations that truly resonate with you. These may be long-held goals, experiences you’ve always wanted to have, or personal qualities you’ve worked hard to develop. Identify the dreams that genuinely inspire and motivate you, and recognise what you have done, no matter the size they are.
  • Make a comprehensive list. Write down all your moments of significance that come to mind. Capture them in a comprehensive list, without worrying about any order or timeline. Include both past achievements and ongoing endeavours. Allow yourself to celebrate and acknowledge each item on the list, regardless of its perceived significance.
  • Add personal reflections and emotions. Go beyond just listing the achievements. Include personal reflections and emotions associated with each experience. Describe how each accomplishment made you feel, what you learned from it, and how it impacted your life. By adding depth and personal meaning to each item, you can fully appreciate its significance.
  • Regularly update and revisit your list. Your appreciation list is not a one-time exercise; it is an ongoing reflection of your journey. Continuously updated as you embark on new experiences and achieve new goals. Regularly reviewing your list will reinforce your sense of gratitude and remind you of how far you’ve come.

Remember, your appreciation list is unique to you and should reflect your own values, aspirations, and experiences. Embrace the process of developing your reverse bucket list as an opportunity to celebrate your personal growth, accomplishments, and the richness of your life’s journey. When you go through this exercise, you will notice that you may have done much more than you think.

Hence why, I called this article “From Memories to Milestones: The Remarkable Rewind” because it signifies a shift in perspective where one moves away from solely focusing on future goals and instead embraces the value of reflecting on past accomplishments and significant experiences.

With the passage of time and the wisdom that comes with maturing, I have come to view life through a lens of deeper significance. It is no longer solely focused on the question of “what should I do next?” but rather on reflecting upon “what have I accomplished thus far?” This shift in perspective emphasizes the importance of gratitude for all the experiences life has offered, both positive and challenging, as they hold hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.

Past Articles

From Memories to Milestones: The Remarkable Rewind- The Appreciation List

Trust me life is not easy for anyone, and hence why I’m writing my story, to unveil my own life journey, to earn my past, to make peace with my ghosts, to release my own pain and to be a testament that when we embrace a new way of living, it is possible to be appreciative of what we have, even when we may be faced with hardships, because even in hard soils flowers blossom.

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