Finding the Meaning of Life: Embracing Simplicity and Reducing Stress


The question of “what is life’s meaning” has been asked for centuries, and yet it remains an elusive answer. Humans all have a deep urge to find a purpose in their lives. We search for it, yearn for it, and often feel lost without it. But why is that? What is it that prompts us towards the constant pursuit of meaning?

The quest to find answers to life’s meaning is complex and has been a philosophical and existential question for centuries. Not only do we have an inherent desire as humans to find meaning and purpose in our lives. From birth, we are nurtured, loved, and guided by the people around us to pursue a path toward success, but we also seem eager to find a purpose in our existence. Therefore, we battle between our needs and desires. On one hand, we want to just “be happy and do what we love” and on the other, we want to be “successful and powerful”.

Positive psychology theories emphasise the importance of a meaningful life, which leads to happiness and well-being. Moreover, cultural and social factors also play a role in shaping our perception of meaningful lives. In our lives, we all start to question our existence sooner or later.

It is no secret that our world is complex and problematic. Keeping up with the fast-paced society has become a task in itself. The world is constantly changing, and it can be overwhelming. The concept of success has taken up an intricate definition, and we spend more time chasing it rather than truly living. Our lives are engulfed with materialistic possessions and societal expectations, making us feel lost and disconnected from our true selves. It is natural to feel stuck in such situations, leading us to question the purpose of our lives.

We’ve made our lives so full of obligations and stress that believing it can have any other deeper meaning is hard. Finding our purpose amid the chaos is our way of making sense of it all. It brings a sense of fulfilment, and we feel empowered by the meaning we give our lives. Purpose keeps us grounded and helps us navigate the mayhem of life.

Stress is an inevitable part of life, affecting us all differently. However, it is when stress turns chronic and when it is not addressed that it takes a toll on our health. Mental health is often neglected when we get caught up in “life’s mental traps”. Stress can adversely affect our mental well-being, leading to anxiety and depression. Therefore, taking a step back and assessing our priorities is essential. Focusing on what we love, spending quality time with our loved ones, or merely walking in nature can all positively impact our mental health.

It is important to slow down in our race of life and make conscious choices that align with our values, bring meaning, and positively contribute to society. Purpose does not come from external sources, and it is only rummaging within us that we find it. Every individual has a different interpretation of their purpose, but the journey of self-awareness takes us closer to it. Acknowledge your talents and passions and get moving in their direction. Start small. Every little step counts. Ask yourself what you are good at. What are your talents? And what are you passionate about doing? and start doing more of what brings you joy.

To find the meaning of life, we need to embrace simplicity and reduce stress. This means letting go of the unnecessary, focusing on the essential, and finding peace in the present moment. We can start by simplifying our physical environment, removing clutter, and creating a calming space. We can also simplify our daily routines, prioritise tasks, and delegate responsibilities. Additionally, we can reduce stress by practising mindfulness, relaxation, and self-care activities, such as meditation, yoga, or nature walks.

The quest for life’s meaning is not something we should take lightly. It is, in fact, an essential part of living a fulfilling life. Finding an answer about our life meaning is unique to each of us, and gives us a sense of purpose and direction. Our fast-paced society creates an environment that overwhelms us with problems and stress, making it easy to lose sight of the big picture, ourselves and our place in the world.

However, in those moments, we must take a step back, re-assess our priorities, and focus on what brings us true meaning. By slowing down, we can embrace mindfulness as a way of living. These core principles, such as being in the now, paying attention to the present moment with your senses and taking a moment without judgement, may encapsulate the best answer to calm our stressed brain.

In summary, life’s meaning can be found in simplicity, self-reflection, self-care, slow living and mindfulness.

Mindfulness practices bring us joy and pleasure and restore balance, allowing perspective and grounding. Take time to appreciate the little things in life. In pursuing meaning, we may find our true purpose, our compass towards fulfilment. So, let us work together, take conscious decisions, and strive towards living a purposeful life. Let’s set clear boundaries, only choose to do what matters, and be more in the now.

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