As the year closes, we are all up for a reflection, we gauge the year based on how much we did or didn’t achieve. We may overlook many of our wins and gains as we all tend to focus on our losses. We all want the best out of life and think that if something is not coming to us in the blink of an eye, it must be wrong or unfair. But this mentality only generates false expectations and disappointment when faced with reality. Instead of focusing on what we don’t have, we should focus on understanding why we are so passionate about achieving it in the first place. Motivating ourselves towards achieving a goal is essential but taking actionable steps towards making it happen is even more critical.
We all indeed want to manifest abundance, but the truth is that manifesting does not work like a magic formula; where we close our eyes, and everything appears instantly. To succeed in manifesting, you need to have the right attitude, the mindset and set an intention toward change. Passively things don’t change; only actionable steps take you to your ideal scenarios. It’s not enough to desire something; it is all about thinking with intention and acting on our thoughts – thinking beyond the limits of our mind and taking- action toward what we want instead of waiting for something miraculous to happen. We need to stay consistent, not be overly concentrated on one thing, yet allow ourselves moments of rest or relaxation along the way.
I’m all about change, and for many years have made serious new year resolutions to improve in multiple areas but remaining accountable has always been a challenge. In the following years, I discovered a formula to step into “having an intention”, which is a driven purpose that is intrinsically connected to your inner values and acts as a compass guiding you with clarity and vision.
It’s not enough to have thought about what we would like; it is more about tapping into your inner wisdom, accessing information from within, and embodying and being one with your intention. To better understand the process, I explained it, as an artist, you think about a design or an art piece, create it, and sketch a plan in your imagination. You get your tools ready to execute your work, fuel your emotions with the excitement of how that project will come alive, rejoice in the process, and master the techniques that allow you to complete it. When doing it, you immerse yourself in an estate of flow, where you can lose yourself in space and time because you have become your intention in thought-body-mind and spirit.
Of course, first, you need to discover your intention, and I suggest always setting one at a time to provide all your attention. It would be best if you were consistent and not overly concentrated, as you also need to enjoy life’s moments, which bring harmony and balance. So, manifesting is a word tossed around as of late, but it works differently than magic. Instead, choose to set an intention based on focus, action, and belief that anything can be possible if we put our minds in the right direction. It all starts with you! Accept yourself and get ready to become unstoppable!
If you want to download my copy of “The Steps to set an Intention”, please visit the resource tab of my webpage.